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воскресенье, 10 сентября 2017 г.

August 30th has become an important day..

It’s hard to believe that I knew Louise, or Lulu, for the past 29 years!
I remember when I first met her and all the "crazy" people who surrounded her. I was 25 and had never been around anyone like her, or her friends. But Lulu took this 25-year-old kid who knew nothing of her teachings, or the world in general, and changed his life. As an accountant I knew little of book publishing or metaphysics, but I sure learned it along the way! We traveled the world together, and I watched the thousands who would continually seek her out. 

Her work with AIDS was remarkable, I will never forget the many men she helped during those early years, when people were so scared and there were no answers. Her passion was helping people; the business side was just not that important to her. I think she was happy that I took such an interest in that part of it. It freed her up to do what she did best. 

Just like so many of you, my life was completely transformed by her. I can’t imagine how different of a person I would be if not for her. The way I think, the way I treat others, and the way I run Hay House have all been influenced by Louise. 

I knew that my time was running short with Louise. And I am grateful that I had this time to spend with her until the very end, even though it was painful to watch her decline. I saw her as often as I could. And I always felt better after I did. We would walk to lunch in her neighborhood and Louise would hold my arm as we walked. I think that made her happy. I am also happy I wrote the newsletter telling her how much she meant to me, because after she read it she came to me and said, "I love you too!" With a little wink! 

The comments you all have left on Facebook this past week have been so wonderful to read. Louise really wasn't looking for credit for changing lives, she would just say, "I'm a simple lady with a simple message." But that simple message clearly worked for her many thousands of fans all over the world. And I appreciate all of you taking the time to write. 

We will continue to dedicate ourselves to the work that she and Wayne did. Both through Hay House and the Hay Foundation, which you will be hearing more about in the future. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support over the years. And never forget, All is Well... 

Wishing you the best, 

Reid Tracy
CEO, Hay House

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