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среда, 26 сентября 2018 г.

Become Sensitive to Your Environment

It always happens. When you add spiritual feng shui to your practice, you instantly become
more sensitive to the environment around you. You are now more aware of your surroundings and don’t miss the signs sent to you by the cosmos. These are signals from the natural environment that you may not have noticed before…things like weather changes, sounds from the birds and changes in the cloud patterns in the sky – they all become part of your awareness.

A flock of birds is auspicious
Some of the positive signs you may notice now are beautiful birds flying…of swimming fish. Birds and fish for some reason usually signify good tidings – birds are messengers of the Gods and fish signal abundance! If you happen to see a flock of birds flying overhead know that this is an auspicious indicator!

On the other hand, there are negative signs as well that could indicate obstacles ahead for you – the chatter of monkeys, the howl of a coyote or wolf, having a black cat cross in front of you, or meeting up with a funeral procession. Losing your luggage while traveling, finding that the route you normally take to work is under construction and blocked by road barriers, or seeing an accident happen all point to obstacles ahead for you.

Beware black cats across
your path
When things like this occur, you must do something to deflect the negative energy. Wave it away with your hand or clap three times to dispel it. You can also offer incense to the cosmic spirits around your home and of course, always wear your protective amulets.

Lily, embrace your inner chi which is so sensitive to the vibrations and signs from the cosmic realm and open your eyes to these omens. Don’t just dismiss too quickly what you have seen, these are things your inner spirit is making you aware of – for a reason. Take note, and take the necessary action! Learn to develop your spiritual feng shui with me!


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