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пятница, 24 мая 2019 г.

How to Practice Gassho Meditation

Gassho Meditation
Gassho meditation is a crucial part of any Reiki practice.

The word Gassho literally means “two hands coming together”. It clears the mind, opens the heart and strengthens one’s connection to c. I’ve personally found it to be incredibly peaceful and heart-opening, even when done for a short period of time.
Gassho meditation is ideally performed for 10-20 minutes, but you can get benefits from as little as 5 minutes. It can be done sitting or standing, whichever you prefer.
How to Practice Gassho Meditation
  1. Close your eyes and fold your hands in prayer position. Your fingers should be pointing up and your thumbs should be against your heart chakra.
  2. Focus your attention on the space between the palm chakras. Move your consciousness into that space.
  3. If thoughts come up, simply observe them, let them pass and gently bring your focus back to the space between your palms.
  4. When you reach the end of the meditation, take a couple deep breaths, bring your attention to your eyes and open them slowly.
Instead of using a timer, I prefer to perform this meditation until I’m intuitively guided to stop (I’m not a fan of meditating around electronics). But, like everything in life, find what feels right for you.
Gassho meditation is a simple practice and when used consistently becomes the foundation for powerful healing.
Much love.

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