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суббота, 24 августа 2019 г.

My top 5 habits for success

Vishen Lakhiani
I’ve always been obsessed about creating high-leverage habits in my life.

And over the years, I’ve identified 5 key habits that consistently have the biggest impact in elevating the way I live.
Here’s what I bring into my life each day, each week and each month. 
Do these resonate with you?
First, Seek Great Mentors

Seek Great Mentors

I make it a priority to get in touch with people I consider great mentors. I join networking groups or take trips where I can learn from great entrepreneurs and I devour their wisdom and integrate it into my life. Example, this spring I spent 12 days on Richard Branson’s Necker Island as part of mastermind groups with major entrepreneurs and education reformist so we could all learn from each other.
Seek Great Mentors
I take my health very seriously. I exercise, eat and nurture my health using the latest scientific techniques so I am actually healthier today than when I was 25 years old. When you at your physical best you can show up better in the world. I look at Sleep, Food, Exercise, Fitness and now I’m finally getting into Yoga :-)
Meditate Everyday
Seek Great Mentors
I start every day with the Six Phase Meditation - a method I developed that combines science and meditation, ideal for busy people and entrepreneurs who seek to want to do more in the world. Millions of people now do the same, and so can you (you can find it easily on YouTube by searching ‘6 Phase’)
Seek Great Mentors
I can show up in major cities and have some of the most wonderful, brilliant people there join me for dinner. I make it my business to deliberately know information about everyone in my network and connect people to each other so I become a valued friend and ally.
Follow Happiness
Seek Great Mentors
Happiness is rocket fuel for productivity. I work on projects that make me happy, with colleagues and partners that I love being in the presence of. I call this habit ‘Blisscipline’. It simply means ‘Be in the habit of protecting your Bliss’ :-)
These habits are simple, but great things often are.
What habits do you have for success?
Vishen Lakhiani
Founder, Mindvalley,

Author of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind.

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