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суббота, 26 июня 2021 г.

10 Easy Luck Tips for You


1. Wear Red in 2021 for wealth luck: Fire is the element that stands for wealth in

2021 yet it is missing from the annual paht chee chart.  To replace the fire element, wear the colour red as much as possible in 2021.

2. Lights should be in front, not behind: A bright light shining behind you can lead to betrayal.  It creates imbalance and lights up the wrong areas.  Never have a desk light directed to your back, always have the light in front of you.

3. Activate for love luck in the EAST: The Peach Blossom Star Number 4 is in the EAST in 2021.  When you enhance this sector, the success of relationships and marriage opportunities is enhanced.

4. Getting rid of bad luck: Try the old saying – “Turn yourself three times round – that is how good luck is found.”

5. Increase Money Luck: Each year it is an extremely lucky ritual to get yourself a new wallet and transfer some money from your old wallet over to your new one while adding new currency. You can do this at any time during the year but beginning of year is best.

6. The Midas Touch: Specks on your fingers – money lingers.  Specks on your thumbs - money comes.  When you see white specs on your fingernails, it means good fortune is coming.  Most of the time it means new money is headed your way.

A strong handshake
for success

7. Use a good handshake for success luck: Shake with your right hand, use your whole hand, step into the other person’s space, and make eye contact.

8. Enhance the center of your home in 2021: The Heaven Star Number 6 is in the center of the annual chart and benefits everyone.  Keep this part of your home lively with lots of music, chatter and dining which will bring this star to life!

Hang horseshoe
like this

9. Always hang horseshoes with open section at top (u-shaped) and not downward. This ensures it “collects” good luck for you and that your luck does not drain out.

10. Victory Star is in the SOUTH: Achieve victory success and winning luck when you keep the south sector lively and activated.  One of the best ways is with the Windhorse Carrying a Jewel since the Windhorse is the very essence of success luck.

Windhorse for Success Luck

To your success!

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