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понедельник, 18 апреля 2016 г.

How to Get Rid of Negative Energy

How to Get Rid of Negative Energy
If you would like to learn how to get rid of negative energy – or better still,
learn how to not be so deeply impacted by it – you might benefit from some of the lessons I have personally learned on my spiritual path:
1. Negative energy is a fact of life.
By accepting it and accepting the negative people in your life precisely as they are, you create harmony and greater peace of mind. This is because you are honoring life as it is instead of trying to futilely change it. Ironically, the moment you resist the negative energy of others is the moment you allow it to have power over you, and the moment you declare “this shouldn’t be this way!” is the moment you contribute to the negativity even more. Then, strangely enough, you complain in your mind and you complain to other people about the person in your life who is constantly complaining. So how are you any better than them? You are doing precisely what they do, but with more self-righteousness.
2. Accepting negative people doesn’t mean letting yourself be used as a doormat or toilet.
You can still set boundaries and be assertive about your needs, but in a less reactive and stress-orientated way.
3. You will always witness negative energy in your life, but you don’t always have to be disturbed or affected by it.
We spend a good deal of our lives running from what we feel is uncomfortable, but when we stop to face it, let it wash over us, and work to understand it we stop being slaves of its influence, and instead become lovers of existence. So stop running from it, and face it when you are ready to. It’s like the bogey-monster in your cupboard as a child: when the idea isn’t faced it is feared, but when faced, it is understood.
4. Permit yourself to empathize with negative people, but not to enable them.
Many people argue that empathizing is a form of enabling. It isn’t. You can understand a person’s pain that fuels their toxicity without feeding their self-pity. Very few of us are skilled empathizers, which is why we need to learn to love and accept ourselves first before we can effectively empathize with others (and keep in mind that being an empath is not the same as having empathy). But the more self-love you have, the easier it will be to love others. Here is a good article to start.
5. Think about your ability to deal with negative energy in the short and long term.
Supplement the need to accept and understand negativity with all of the short-term techniques mentioned at the start of the article (however, I don’t recommend shielding techniques as they are a clear form of resistance). For example, you might like to limit your exposure, ask the person what they plan to do to change their issue, de-clutter your work area, learn how to be mindful, clear your area with essential oils, and so forth.

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