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четверг, 5 мая 2016 г.

4 Secrets that will DOUBLE your Conversion Rate

I’m going to DIVE right in to talk about doubling conversion rates
(which is SUPER important for business!).  


Just because you have one offer, it doesn’t mean it’s the correct offer. The lead magnet you’re giving away may not actually be the ‘right’ offer.
Let me explain.
In the INFINITUS Growth Guide, we have three different types of leads, and each lead requires a different offer.
Would you take someone off the street and tell them all you have is a 2-hour in-depth webinar? Heck, they’d probably run away.
But, if you were in a room with a bunch of entrepreneurs and you mentioned that you had a Top 5 Checklist For Growing Your Business, do think you’d get some attention from the strangers in the room?
You bet.
Now, when you present the ‘right’ offer at the ‘right’ time to the ‘right’ person, your conversion rate is going to increase by 2, 3, 4, or even 5 times.


Ah, yes. Our good friend, Mr. Writing.
When I was in Grade 11, I flunked English with a 17%. And let’s be honest, I’m not a great writer, which is why I have writer who takes my ideas and transforms them into something readable. 
I see a lot of really, really confusing writing and I understand why it happens.
One of the biggest problems I see is inconsistency in the message. Your messagemust be consistent.
If your Facebook ad has one message and your landing page doesn’t ‘read’ the same, people aren’t going to sign-up.
To bring this a step further, the message needs to speak to someone based on their mindset.
If someone doesn’t know who you are, your message needs to relate to a potential pain in their life.
For example, when someone finds you via a Google ad, and they were searching for your service or product, then the messaging MUST resonate with the fact that they are looking to be informed.
If someone is in the purchase mindset, we need to use more emotional, less logical language to ensure we show the outcome.
Simply put, if your message is not relevant to the SSF formula – if it’s too confusing or if someone can’t understand what they’ll receive within 5 seconds…
Your conversion rates will suck.
Action-Step: Rewrite 3 versions of your same landing page, each based on one of the three lanes.


If someone is searching on Google, do you need to inform them that they may have a pain in their life?
Not really.
Your job is to inform them, show them the process, give them knowledge. Tease them. They are already in the Slow Lane, so you don’t need to treat them like they are in the Sidewalk.
There are a lot of different traffic sources.
Here’s the problem with having just one lead magnet: If you’re bringing all traffic to the same lead magnet, you’re not being relevant.
Here are a few questions to think through.
What type of lead magnet/offer do you need to give based on each traffic source:
  1. If someone is coming from a cold Facebook ad?
  2. If someone is coming from Google (after searching)?
  3. If someone is coming from a referral?
  4. If someone is coming from a podcast?
They all need a different ‘entry’ point into who you are. BUT, the traffic source also depends on how much convincing you need to do.
The higher the time obligation of your lead magnet, the more ‘proof’ you need to show that your lead magnet is worth their time.
That’s why sale pages are 30 pages long, but a simple checklist page might only have 30 words on it.
Action-Step: Ensure that the traffic directed to your lead magnet is the correct traffic for that lead magnet.


Ever click an ad on Google or Facebook and get to a page that just doesn’t ‘feel’ right?
People make choices based on their gut feelings, but specific gut feelings can be created.
One of the biggest reasons why people can’t get conversions is that their advertising doesn’t align with their landing page, their lead magnet doesn’t feel like the landing page, and the emails after they sign up don’t feel right.
Different colours, tone, pictures. If everything doesn’t feel the same, people are going to feel ‘scared’ and run for the hills.
Remember: people already think you’re going to waste their time. We’re conditioned for that.
We have to ensure we create consistency.
Action-Step: Follow the path from your website to your landing page to your offer to your email stream. Does it all feel coherent? If someone didn’t know you, would they get a good first impression?
Overall, your marketing has to be relevant at the right time to the right person, no matter if that’s the landing page, advertisement, offer, or your emails.

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