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понедельник, 23 января 2017 г.

Insight of the Day - No man has a right

"No man has a right, unless he cannot help himself, to remainwhere he will constantly be subjected to the cramping, ambition-blighting influences and great temptations of poverty. His self-respect demands that he should get out of such an environment. It is his duty to put himself in a position of dignity and independencewhere he will not be liable at any moment to a burden to his friends in case of sickness or other emergencies, or where those depending on him may suffer." — Orison Sweet Marden
"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to discover it in himself." — Galileo Galilei 1564-1642
The purpose of these insights is to challenge, to motivate you and to make you delve deeply; and most importantly to make you more effective in life.

Just take a minute of your day. Make a reflection about this gem. 

"What does this insight mean to ME?" 
"How can I apply it to my life?"
To your success, 
                     Dr. Jussi Eerikäinen

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