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четверг, 4 января 2018 г.

Feng Shui by Industry – 2018

What business are you in and how will your industry fare in the coming year? 

EARTH ELEMENT INDUSTRIES: These are industries involved in property, real estate, building and construction, hotels. Look for a competitive year in 2018. You need to be creative and it’s not a year to take big risks. Be cautious with your expansion plans and new investments! 
WOOD ELEMENT INDUSTRIES: This include agriculture, plantations, flowers, plants and publishing! The outlook is GREAT for 2018 and there is wealth and money luck in store. You can take risks, but be careful and cautious with new ventures. 
METAL ELEMENT INDUSTRIES: Mining, jewelry, white goods, computers and airline fit into this category. The outlook is good, and markets are busy. Wealth and profit luck look very promising. It’s a good idea to purchase property in this sector. 
FIRE ELEMENT INDUSTRIES: The Stock Market, entertainment business, lighting industry and restaurants make up this category. The year looks just average; however, the stock market is promising, especially in the summer months. Prospects get better as the year progresses. Businesses in this sector require proper planning and good strategy. 
WATER ELEMENT INDUSTRIES: Include banking, shipping, transportation, alcohol and fishing. The outlook is slow for these business types, wealth luck is sluggish.

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