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среда, 1 августа 2018 г.

Sensing The Chi Using Taoist Feng Shui

photo of Lillian Too
Chi is literally the wind, just as money is water. Chi brings all the attributes of happiness as
well as facilitates the water, which brings wealth. When you test the wind, you are in reality sensing the chi around you. Here are a few of the important signs to look out for…all mentioned in my newly updated version of “Feng Shui For Interiors”.

Look for signs relating to
wood element for
business luck
Health Luck: When testing for health luck look for signs of movement revealing yang chi – like a gentle breeze or the colour white (which always means healing and renewal) or the sun suddenly appearing from behind clouds – a powerful symbol of yang energy that recovery is certain.

Business Luck: When sensing the chi for clues related to business luck,look for signs related to the wood element. You might see a truck carrying a load of logs or transporting furniture; flowers, plants, a view of water, or suddenly turning on your TV to see a picture of a forest of trees – all are excellent signs that your business is going to succeed! If precisely at your birth hour a visitor arrives bringing his young son (below the age of 9), this is an excellent sign especially if he seems to like your place and starts to play. If he starts crying and wants to leave…better think twice about your new business.

Birds are the BEST indicators
of sudden wealth luck
Sudden Money Luck: To sense the chi for sudden money luck look for signs of prosperity like the appearance of coins, an image of a river, the rain falling or a bird flying towards you. Birds are generally speaking the BEST indicators of sudden wealth luck. When you hang pictures of birds or paintings of many birds it suggests great good fortune coming towards you.

Extreme Good Fortune: Flowers also indicate extreme good fortune when you are looking for signs that indicate a good business venture. If they are blossoming it suggests a project coming to successful fruition. And there are many other predictions associated with the specific colours of the flowers…like displaying fresh flowers that are yellow in colour is said to be most auspicious in terms of attracting wealth luck!

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