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пятница, 26 апреля 2019 г.

The Emergence of Connected Consciousness

Nature, when we’re open enough to listen to it, always provides us with the clues for living a
harmonious life. A life of higher awareness where we are present and aware of everything around us. Sometimes things in nature appear seemingly unconnected, even disconnected, yet, when you look a little deeper, they are more connected than we could ever imagine. Trees are an exceptional example of this, as are birds.
The murmuration of starlings is something exceptional to witness. There’s a harmony and perfection that goes beyond the mind. As thousands of individual birds move as one being, it’s like watching a miracle. A mesmerising pattern of life that appears almost as an animated sacred geometric screensaver, but is, in fact, a massive group of little black starlings; each with their own life and consciousness. What is amazing is that these thousands of birds do not ever collide as they move as one in a connected consciousness, where their individuality is no more. They fly like one great bird.

The Synchronistic Nature of Life

This incredible oneness and intuitive connection can happen with humans too. And not just in the presence of great spiritual masters. Joanna Macy, well-known author, Buddhist scholar, systems thinker and deep ecologist, is a respected voice in movements for peace, justice, and ecology. She shares her wisdom on connected consciousness in her book, Active Hopeco-authored with Chris Johnstone.

Are We Ever Really Separate?

Something magical happens when we gather in groups, to meditate, sing, pray, create, dream, dance, tell stories, cook. The individuals drop away and there is a yoking. A synchronisation, almost of breath and heartbeats; much like what can happen between deeply intimate lovers. We are never truly separate. Our survival depends on our interconnectedness. We need each other, for food, shelter, water, and love. We depend on the generosity of others and the earth, for our very life.
Collective synchronisationMusicians jamming is an example of the synchronisation that can occur when we let it.
In these moments, it’s like we let go of our individual identity in order to belong to and access something transcendent, and totally beyond ourselves. Our consciousness can shift into something universal.

Surrendering to the Whole

Joanna Macy speaks of this shift as a wider sense of self and one of the most exciting developments of our time. When we give up our individual wants and needs and surrender to the needs of the whole, we open ourselves up to experience and develop the most profound of spiritual qualities, like humility, truth, service, unconditional love, connection, and trust. It’s this shift into profound connection with something greater than each one of us, that will save the planet.
Connected consciousness, or being at one with all that is, is not something to only be experienced by mystics or dedicated spiritual practitioners. It is the natural state of each one of us. And all we need do to experience is, is to let go of everything that blocks it. To return to our child-like innocence, trust, and reverence for all of life.

We are Connected to All Things

We feel this connected consciousness when we commune with nature, with animals, or with another human. It doesn’t even have to be someone dear to us. Deep moments of profound connection can happen with perfect strangers if you’re open and present. It’s like when life slows down, much like a movie in slow mode, that we drop into this oneness, and connection with all that is. Too often we’re rushing around in a state of busy nervous energy and miss the communications happening all around us all the time. The dog greeting us, the bird singing its joyful song, the person across the street, or the smiling child.
Life in its simplest and most profound is inspired connection and oneness with all things. Indigenous people know the heart of this stillness and connection and we can all remember and return to this place that we long for with all our heart, and the world will be better for it.

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