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суббота, 5 октября 2019 г.

Activate Your Inner Feng Shui NOW!

No matter where you are in life right now, you have within yourself, the ability to attain your
highest potential and realize your ultimate goals and dreams. It all begins in the mind – which means that YOU are in control.

When you learn how to create true positive energy inside your head, it activates the chi to help you make your dreams come true.  Training your mind to think in empowering ways that are positive and generous and not negative in any way is the key to success.  Here are a few ways to begin the process:

Create A Vision: When you have a vision, your mind has something exciting to focus on.  Refine your dreams and wishes and think about how you can live your life in a rewarding and fulfilling way. When you just think about what you want, your thoughts lack strength and energy.  But when you think about making your life meaningful and actually see yourself living it, then yang energy is created with thoughts that empower your actions and plans.  Your vision becomes embedded with positive energy.

Deprogram negativities
Deprogram Your Negativities: Many people have negatively programmed from childhood, causing them to deny your own successes in life! If this has happened to you, then the best way to overcome it and motivate yourself is to go through what I call a “de-programming” exercise.  Begin today to bring yang chi into your psyche and get rid of every negative thought.  Tell yourself that you are getting better and better every day – better at being positive and optimistic and happy, better as far as your health is concerned, better at your relationships, etc. Program yourself with positive affirmations (they work).  Surround yourself with friends that are positive and support you – no more nay-sayers!  Read more motivational books, attend seminars and retreats.  Mentally discard all negative thoughts and picture them flowing right out of you!

Acknowledge your willpower
Recognize & Appreciate Your Willpower:  Often I hear people say (it’s their explanation for failing on a diet for example) – “oh well…I just have no will-power.” What a cop out! This is not true.  Everyone has willpower.  If you think you have no willpower you are undermining your own success potential.  Acknowledge this power – your willpower enables you to do anything you put your mind to.

Talk with Your Dark Side:  If you find yourself becoming depressed or beginning to spiral downward, or you feel moody and sad and are worrying about something, recognize instantly that your negative side has become dominant.  We all have negative tendencies and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.  Strengthen yourself with powerful inner chi, discuss the matter with your dark side, but make sure you always win this mental debate.  Convince your mind of the attributes of the bright side and of having an optimistic attitude.  Mentally list all the ways that you can expand your mind in a positive and heartfelt manner rather than accepting the negative way (which may be easier).

Create a NEW Game Plan:  If you are after a positive and fulfilling life (which I expect you are) and want to increase your life with passion and productivity, then you must develop a new game plan.  Forget what you have been doing in the past and create a new path for yourself.  Take your newly- created vision and incorporate it gradually into your daily activities.  Now you have a road map to attaining success – you must stay on course. 


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