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воскресенье, 6 октября 2019 г.

The Dangers of Yin Spirit Formation


Sometimes things go wrong for no apparent reason. Everyone is in good health and then
suddenly sickness descends on the household. Quarrels flare up at home and work without foundation. Friends become adversaries, accidents occur and your stress level is high. Older people may have sudden bouts of arthritis, back aches etc. What’s up?

Your home may be suffering from what is called “Yin Spirit Formation”. You see, yin forces or yin chi can be very harmful when it dominates the energy of yang spaces like your living or dining areas where you spend a lot of time. It also may affect you in the workplace. You must recognize what’s happening and don’t let yin energy dominate any space in your home – it must be kept to a minimum. Think about your home and how the chi flows. Maybe your son or daughter has gone off to university and their bedroom is dark with the curtains pulled tightly closed, and your unoccupied guestroom is closed and stuffy. These are areas where excessive yin chi can build up.

Open the windows for yang energy
Open the windows
for yang energy
The good news is that yin spirit formation can be quickly removed and/or transformed into yang energy. Do this by giving your home an “energy bath” – open the doors and windows frequently permitting the sunshine, breeze and fresh yang energy to enter. Play music, have a party and let the pets run freely to raise yang chi. Keep the lights on.

Many people suffer from yin spirit formation at work – it may be due to unhappiness from gossip, jealousy or someone reporting false information to your boss to make you look bad. The yin forces just become too dominant. You need more yang energy. Use a rooster painted in red and gold to peck away your problems - because the fire and metal energy overcomes the quarrelsome energy. You can also use a Laughing Buddha – in gold and red and make sure the image is facing the direction of the person causing you trouble!

The most important thing to remember in feng shui is balance – keep yin and yang in balance - but create more yang rather than yin. Too much yin will result in the conditions described above.


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