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четверг, 16 апреля 2020 г.

Always Avoid Your Chueh Ming Direction

photo of Lillian Too
As we continue to contend with COVID19, it’s important to remember to avoid your Cheuh
Ming (TOTAL LOSS) direction.

There are four lucky and four unlucky directions for every KUA number that symbolize different types of good and bad luck. We want to activate our lucky directions when sitting or sleeping by facing them, thus tapping into the benefits. However, there are also four inauspicious or bad luck directions that must be avoided.

The WORST of the four inauspicious directions is known as chueh ming or total loss direction and we all have one. You must make all efforts to avoid this direction as it symbolizes loss of life, loved ones, reputation and wealth.

If you do not know your personal KUA number please go to and click and begin to make use today of this powerful formula. Your kua number never changes, so take time and memorize your directions…then tap into them and activate your good ones!

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