As Chinese living in Asia or Southeast Asia, we often take Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) for certain foods we eat, acupuncture treatments, reflexology, the use of medicinal herbs and so on. We're familiar with them because this is what we've grown up with...and often we don't even think of them as "medicine." But for many Westerners these practices are still relatively new and may even seem a bit foreign.
Acupuncture works for pets too |
Chi is vitally important - because good health (both physical, mental) is an expression of balanced chi and disease and illness occur when you inner chi becomes unbalanced.
TCM is familiar to most Asians |
The unimpeded movement and flow of chi as energy coursing through our bodies is essential for good health...and when imbalances occur in the form of blockages, they can usually be treated with specific kinds of traditional Chinese medicine. For example, in the therapeutic treatment of acupuncture, needles are used to change the strength and speed of chi in certain body channels and to remove blockages, while specific foods can replace or strengthen weakened chi as do special medicinal herbs.
Inner Chi - your vital life force |
To your good health!
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