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воскресенье, 3 ноября 2019 г.

Trick or Treat – It’s Halloween!

Halloween is an ancient Christian festival and one of the oldest holidays in the world that
takes place on October 31st, the night before All Saints Day or All Souls Day, November 1. It dates back to the festival of Samhain, a pagan religious festival that originated from ancient Celtic spiritual times and traditions and it reminds me a little of Hungry Ghost month because of all the spirit activity and rituals.

I recommend that you light incense for all the wandering spirits on Halloween.

Celebrating Samhain
in England, 2016
In the ancient times, Samhain was celebrated as a welcoming of the harvest and to acknowledge the coming of “the dark half of the year.” At that time, people believed that the barriers between the physical world and the spiritual world disappeared, thereby allowing interaction between humans and ghosts of the spirit world. Some celebrations lasted only one night while others lasted several days. The Celts often dressed themselves as animal or monsters so that they would not be kidnapped by the roaming ghosts. Bonfires were also lit to ward off the ghosts! Yes, it’s definitely a good idea to light some incense for these roaming ghosts. This celtic festival is still celebrated in parts of Europe today.

Eventually, Pope Gregory III declared November 1 to be All Souls Day (All Saints Day), expanding it from a previous Catholic feast of All Martyrs Day. Some believed that the Church used this holiday to replace the ancient Celtic festival of the dead. It was also celebrated with big bonfires and people dressing up in costumes of angels, devils and saints.

The celebration of “All Hallows Eve” or Halloween eventually came to America and new interpretations and twists were added to this ancient festival with ghost pranks, parties and going from house to house asking for food or money – today’s “trick or treat” tradition. It is not only celebrated in America and Europe but in other countries throughout the world.

And from the commercial aspect? Americans spend six billion dollars annually on Halloween costumes, candy and decorations. It’s the country’s second largest commercial holiday after Christmas!

Happy Halloween to all who celebrate this holiday!


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