Пьер Тейяр де Шарден: "Мы не человеческие существа, имеющие духовный опыт; мы духовные существа, имеющие человеческий опыт. "Каждый человек является духовным, даже если он не готов признать это.
Every year from approximately February 18th – March 20th, the sun moves through
We are living in unprecedented times. As we are triggered by external events,
Kuan Kung is the Taoist God of War and Wealth. He is said to be the protector of
Write it 49 times! If you want something very badly, write it down fully 49 times in
Affirmations are empowering statements that support our growth and evolution in
As a Reiki practitioner, your Reiki will be at its strongest when your own heart is
Love is in the air. We all want pure, unconditional and everlasting love. So let us
Reiki has amazing abilities with drawing love into your life. It aids in every type of
Using affirmations with Reiki can help to change your thought patterns and open
Love, like time, circles around in spirals. It is not linear – like we would like it to
Let’s talk about the link between what goes in our guts and how it affects our brains.