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среда, 25 ноября 2015 г.

bring Gemini energy to the act contrary conversation

These monks understood that participating in a debate with a smile is more
valuable than being right. They bring Gemini energy to the act contrary conversation and with it, they accept reality and embrace the wholeness of truth.
This season, as the energies rub up against each other and create a big, feisty, gritty mess of our emotions, I challenge you to keep your smile, maintain your big vision, and reach for the understanding of both sides of the story, no matter what story is thrown at you. Practice joyfulness every day, and I will too.   And if you do accidentally lose your smile in the midst of it, just stop, take a breath, and see if you can see the other side of the story so you can regain that smile, knowing no one ever has all the answers.

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