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среда, 30 декабря 2015 г.

I love and accept myself

You're probably starting to feel the New Year's resolution monster looming over the horizon.  

And with it, the pile of past failures, unkept resolutions, and disappointments.

It's an all-too-common experience, but I'm going to suggest a subtle tweak to it this time around.

Instead of looking at everything that's WRONG in your life and saying, "In 2016, I have to fix X..."

I'd like you to look at everything that is RIGHT in your life and say, "In 2016, I'm going to make it even better!"

Subtle, but when you start with the positive, acknowledging the good, feeling gratitude for what you've done right, then, from there, real change can take place.

It's time to stop the self-recrimination, angst, and shame that comes with "failing".  It's why in EFT Tapping, we open with, "Even though I ... fill in the blank with the problem/emotion/current condition... I love and accept myself."

Start the New Year loving and accepting yourself FIRST... NOT after you've done the thing, made the change, etc,. THEN, the change will happen.

To recap:

Step 1:  Love yourself.
Step 2:  Accept yourself.
Step 3:  Sit back and watch as your life transforms.

2016-clockI hope you have a wonderful New Year's celebration!

See if one of the first thoughts of 2016 can be, "I choose to love and accept myself a little more today than I did yesterday." 

Try thinking it now so you're ready when the ball drops: "I choose to love and accept myself a little more today than I did yesterday."

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

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