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воскресенье, 7 февраля 2016 г.

Sacred Anatomy: Lesson 1

On the most primitive, fundamental, basic level, your anatomy is whole and bipolar.
Your one splits into two, organized by two poles. North and south… just like the earth.
1 person.
2 poles – north and south.
The center? Your heart.
To connect to your sacred anatomy the first thing to do is to, well… connect.
To connect you can move your awareness to your physical body. Let your body relax and expand. If there isn’t any space in there or it’s hard to feel – connect to your breath. Let the breath start to open the space of your body. Gentler is better. Once you’re in – go down. Just like a seed. Once you’re down and in, go up and out.
Repeat. You can do this while you are reading… or listening… or take a break, press pause and then come back in a minute.
Get good at this. The center is the middle – but the center wants to expand and connect with the poles. When you connect the poles and repeat, the center expands. Living in a moment by moment expansion, that is based in your body energetically is the entrance to your sacred anatomy.

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Inner Body Flossing
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Inner Body Flossing is what you just did. It’s a quick path to lighting up your sacred anatomy and it’s a gateway practice. Meaning it’s a practice that opens the gate to your sacred anatomy. And believe me, there are gates that look like walls, but are really gates.
Most kids and adults I know know they should floss. I’m talking dental hygiene. Dental flossing is important, don’t get me wrong, but inner body flossing takes precedence in my personal hygiene. What you learned about in the Basics of How You Are Organized is Inner Body Flossing.
Here is the simplest sequence to open the gates to your sacred anatomy:
When you wake up in the morning hydrate to eliminate. (elimination = defecation)
Once you’ve eliminated, floss your inner body.
This will start to light up your sacred anatomy.
Once you get how your sacred anatomy is organized… once you get the most primitive systems theory to your own anatomy…. you get the precedence of inner body flossing practice. Then, you start to live an expanding relationship to life in a moment-by-moment experience. It’s a total game changer.
Here are a few of the benefits on tapping into and lighting up your Sacred Anatomy. You:
Turn on your power to stimulate whole system and cellular healing
Boost your Immune System in a long term building gentle kind of way
Optimize your cellular communication
Defuse negative internal reptilian mental patterning that naturally emerges during crisis
Meditate your way into the great abyss of peace
Now then, let’s recap and tie this Sacred Anatomy lesson up in a bow.

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