Has anyone ever said something like, “that’s so vata” or “she’s a pitta” to you? In the
healing community, we hear this type of nomenclature a lot. We use it to describe situations or understand people better. It’s helpful because those descriptions relate to a concept and understanding the concepts of Ayurveda can give you a general idea of the type of issue you’re working with.
Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient traditional medicine that is based largely on how the energetics of the environment and situational stressors affect an individual’s energetic makeup and physical being. It is very complex and takes years of study to fully understand but the basic approach is that all illness is caused by an imbalance in a person’s bio-humoral state, which are expressed by different doshas.
Everyone is born with their doshas in the unique balance that is best suited for them. With the addition of things like stress, environment, the seasons, emotional upsets, and physical turmoil (everything from disease to sickness to accidents or anticipated life changes) the natural balance of a person’s doshas can change or become imbalanced. Ayurvedic Medicine is focused on bringing a person back into their own unique doshic balance. The Ayurvedic practitioner will start by determining the cause of an illness and then offer different treatments—diet, exercise, herbal formulas, therapies, or new daily practices—to work on reharmonizing a person’s natural doshic balance.
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