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воскресенье, 10 декабря 2017 г.

Does Prosperity Programming Really Work?

Does prosperity programming really work? Yes, of course!
You see, you have probably already envisioned in your mind, at one time or another, what you want in life. Maybe you’ve see yourself in a beautiful home, or having a gorgeous slim body, or imagined yourself driving the car you’ve always wanted alongside the man (or woman) of your dreams. Maybe you desire real wealth and prosperity, not only for yourself but to help someone that you love. Maybe you are ill and dream of being healthy again.

We’ve all had these kinds of mental images…but most of the time that is all they are…fleeting thoughts in our daily lives. And we usually have lots of excuses about why these things will never happen to us – that’s poverty programming! Or we dare to discuss our dreams with others who immediately offer their silly advice…oh that could never happen to you! You’re such a dreamer – more poverty thinking!

But you see, when you begin to engage your mind you can put “prosperity programming’ to work for you. It is not that difficult. When you wish for something hard enough and often enough you begin to live in a way that attracts what you are looking for to you. Despite what you may have been told by others, you can actualize your true desires with special mental visualizations and mantras…and that is when the magic begins. You must stop listening to the Nay Sayers and instead become a magnet for prosperity drawing the things you want to you. Your dreams and visions become part of your thought process, deep in your subconscious mind and slowly things begin to change for you.

Kuan Kung
Stay away
from poverty thinkers
I didn’t always believe in this. I come from a very humble background but my father loved me and always made me feel special, and this gave me the confidence to go after the things I wanted. I trained my mind to “wish rich” and always thought of myself as prosperous. I started with reasonable, easy wishes like a better-paying job in my twenties, then to go to a top university, and for a great career with big money…and so on. Gradually the things I wished for came true so I wished for more…like nice cars and a bigger home and more. It worked! I was always positive and I knew that there was a flow of abundance coming into my life! I never doubted this.

Today I lead a very comfortable life surrounded by lovely friends and my wonderful family. My priorities have changed from acquiring wealth, to wanting to share my knowledge of the spiritual side of feng shui with you, and to use my writing and teaching skills to do so. Part of prosperity programming is always to be generous and never stingy! Share your knowledge and wisdom and yes, even your money! Remember that generosity builds wealth and no matter where you are in life today, you can use your inner spirituality to actualize your wishes and make your life happier.

Go for it!


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