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воскресенье, 10 декабря 2017 г.

Go With the Flow

How often has someone told you…just go with the flow! Don’t be disruptive or cause any
“waves” - just go with the flow! Well, there is certainly truth to this and generally speaking, spiritual feng shui teachings stress the benefits of moving congruently with nature and not swimming upstream against the current! This isn’t always easy. Some people annoy us – they are naturally combatant and argumentative, always wanting to win their point - they bring out the worst in us! We react! Then there are the unexpected obstacles that occur, delays, things not going as planned, betrayal, mistrust and loss of friendships. 
How about you? What pushes your buttons? What is your own tolerance level when it comes to people that annoy and frustrate you? When we are hit with unexpected obstacles or things don’t go as planned it leads to a sudden flow of negative emotion and destructive energy that often manifests in anger and loss of temper. We lose our internal balance and we are “out of flow” and sometimes out of integrity.

It is at times like this we need to focus immediately on maintaining balance. When you regain internal balance, things instantly improve. Focus on your breathing. Take a very deep breath, making the outbreath extremely slow. Do this several times. Another technique is to do the opposite of what you were doing when things started going wrong; so, if you were standing, sit down; if you were scowling, make yourself smile; if you were speaking loudly, speak softly. Music will also change the vibrations that surround you – put on some happy music!

Learn to bend gracefully rather than be inflexible in the face of difficult times and difficult people. Be kind and compassionate above all else.


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