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вторник, 30 июля 2019 г.

5 Ways To Advance Beyond Business As Usual

As competition heats up and the pace of change accelerates, it’s not enough to continue
doing business as usual. You need a new approach that transcends linear thinking and cuts through barriers. You need advanced skills that will enhance your career potential, improve work/life balance, increase job satisfaction, improve productivity, and help you manage demanding clients and staff.
When your behaviour is controlled by external events, such as what other people say or do to you, your response is predictable and often dysfunctional. When you make a linear and disempowered response to a stimulus you undermine your quality of life.
Emotional intelligence is the insight that you have that empowers you and your choices.  You can improve it, but it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a concerted effort over several months.
Managers who are in danger of derailing because of poor interpersonal relationships are particularly good candidates for working on their emotional intelligence. In general, assessment and feedback instruments such as benchmarks are good ways to begin improving emotional intelligence, followed by goal setting and a developmental experience that may take the form of classroom training, job assignments, simulations, coaching, or learning from a role model.
Leaders should identify and address any obstacles to their goals, practice new behaviours in a supportive environment, and review and reassess their behavioural changes to help lock in what they have learned. More specifically, organizations today value managers who can put the needs of the group ahead of their personal needs—in other words, who have the emotional intelligence capacity of social responsibility.
Devoting time and energy to helping the community can help you see beyond your own concerns and improve your ability to be a valued member of a group.  Review your individual work goals, then consider them from the perspectives of your team and organization. Ask yourself whether your individual goals are aligned with the group and organizational goals, and what you can do to contribute positively to the larger goals. 
The following affirmations can help you to transform the way you think.
  1. I am responsible for my own feelings.
  2. I am responsible for my own behaviour.
  3. I always have choices about how I respond to situations, events and people.
  4. No one can make me upset, angry, happy, etc.
  5. Identifying my choices empowers me to take a fresh look at my behaviour.
  6. Recognising my range of choices can start changing my behaviour for the better.
  7. I can practice and learn new and more effective behaviours.

Here are five ways that emotional intelligence can help advance your skills and your workplace.
Mental clarity
Every leader needs maximum personal energy and mental clarity to lead his/her organization into the future. Developing your emotional intelligence skills minimizes physical, mental and emotional energy drains while allowing you to think more clearly in pressure situations that you face every day.
Higher productivity
The ability to improve organization-wide productivity is largely dependent on increasing each individual's personal motivation to do excellent work. By developing your emotional intelligence skills, you will positively impact every person you come in contact with throughout each business day. As the role model of behavior and performance for your company, your enhanced skills will have a dramatic impact on every person's productivity.
Magnetize talent
The most effective executives and leaders are like magnets. People love to work for them. The most talented people seek out leaders and executives that bring out the best in them and challenge them to perform. Leaders with high emotional intelligence skills make the best bosses.
Inspire people
Developing your emotional intelligence skills allows more of your authentic self to be present in every interaction. Your passion, courage and visionary thinking will be more clearly evident to those around you. People are more creative, will work longer, and cooperate more effectively when they work for a leader with high emotional intelligence skills.
Less chaos
Friction, confusion and argumentative behavior comes more from a lack of emotional intelligence skills than it does from a lack of clear direction. As the coherence between you and others increases, less time is wasted arguing and defending turf positions. Meetings are more organized and individuals feel free to express diverging opinions without being attacked. This allows for a full exploration of possibilities and problems in an efficient and effective manner.

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