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суббота, 7 декабря 2019 г.

3 Ways to Recharge & Replenish Your Inner Chi During the Holiday Season

Holiday preparations always bring additional stress and we often wear ourselves and health
down trying to get everything done. It’s important to remember that chi, your life force, is a dynamic vibration that continues to circulate through the body whether you are sleeping or awake. Your breathing, talking, eating and ability to think and communicate all come from this vibration. It literally drives your internal engine.

First of all, think of your body as a pure vibration of energy. The level and quality of the energy flow inside your body is always in a state of flux – a state of change that we must carefully monitor and attend to.

For example, when there is an excessive energy loss as often happens during the holidays, our body becomes weak; we feel drained, tired and worn out. We are more vulnerable to disease and illness because our internal energy is low or blocked and stagnant. When this happens, it is important to take action and revive the vibrancy of our life force. Here are three recommendations:

Get Plenty of Sleep: This is the first and best way to replenish your chi. Think of your body as a battery being recharged. As you sleep, all the meridian points of your body receive energy from the universe. You will feel much better and more refreshed after a good night’s sleep. Alternatively, when you are sleep deprived, these vital points do not recharge, and internal blocks begin to form as the body weakens even more.

Steer clear of holiday treats
Eat the Right Foods & Drink Water: Even though it’s tempting during the holidays to eat the sugary treats and drink too much, stay away if you can. When you eat healthy foods and drink lots of water, your body is able to rid itself of the toxins and your energy intake will automatically improve. The quality of the flow of chi inside you depends on the flow of oxygen and the removal of toxins and both use the circulation of the bloodstream within your body to accomplish these goals. When circulation is impeded, your body becomes overwhelmed and tension and depression may set in as your life force slows down.

Rest with Your Pet
Give Yourself Time – Meditate and Breathe: Despite your hectic schedule, take time for yourself. There are many special exercises and breathing techniques as well as yoga and meditation to dissolve blocks in the flow of chi and improve the efficiency of your internal organs. Nothing is better than a rest with your pet. Consider doing Tai Chi, Yoga and Pranayama breathing exercises. In doing so, you are taking part in the maintenance of your own life force.

Remember that when your chi vibration is in balance, your organs and internal circulation are in harmony and the quality of your life force improves greatly.


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