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суббота, 26 июня 2021 г.

Become A Magician for Prosperity


There has a been a lot written about the power of the mind. It can manifest

whatever you desire using creative visualization - the act of visualizing vibrant and authentic images inside the head and believing that these images will manifest into reality.

I have used creative visualization since I discovered it many years ago in a little book “Creative Visualization” written by Shakti Gawain.  It was one of, if not the first book to openly discuss visualization and since that time hundreds of other books have been written on this subject.

Before you begin the creative visualization process, it is imperative that you believe in the power of your own mind and that the mind is “the spirit within oneself, the chi that connects the cosmic universe.”  This connection is the source of all our power, and it brings us abundance from the cosmic universe.  If you doubt this, work at making yourself believe it so that in time it becomes an integral part of your belief system.

Think of yourself as a magician and that you can create magic in your life; you can transform your current reality into one of happiness, prosperity, and good health.  When you think these positive thoughts, it frees your mind from the dangers of a negative belief system. 

Your mind is a
powerful tool

Always remember that your mind is your most powerful tool.  It is up to you to decide how to use it effectively.  You can create a fabulous and meaningful life, or one filled with disappointment, failure, and difficulty. Begin to use your mind positively today to strongly visualize your desires.  Never doubt for a moment that you can achieve this.


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