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суббота, 25 июля 2015 г.

7 Step System for Quickly & Easily Creating a Client Magnet Blueprint

The good news is that dreaming about turning social media conversations into clients isn’t just a fantasy – it CAN happen. And all you have to do to turn social media conversations into clients is follow my simple 7 step system. Here’s how…
  1. Clarify the Mission – This first step is really the most critical and yet where 99% of women entrepreneurs go wrong.  They try to be all things to all people and say they LOVE working with all types of clients. This often stems from a true belief is an unlimited universe.  What the Universe could provide you more than enough of your absolutely ideal clients???Why would you go on working with anyone else than ideal?
  2. Outcome Oriented – The second step is to be really outcome oriented.  Start with your $100K program in mind (if you don’t have one of those – you absolutely need just for the exercise of stepping into believing what you’d do for someone for that money) or maybe another of your transformational high-ticket programs.  Identify ALL the problems that program solves and then ask yourself which of those problems are people hungriest to solve? It’s that ONE problem you want to create your client magnet around!
  3. Numbers are Sexy -In this step we’re going to systematize the voo-doo you do that gets people results.  When I’m working with my private clients we often start with identifying the ultimate outcome for what the client will get if they do the work you’re asking them to do.  With that we get an anchor word like we’re using here C-O-N-N-E-C-T. Then we talk through what it takes for someone to get from where they are now to that ultimate outcome. One of the things I’m best at is connecting the anchor word with the actual steps that a client tells me they go through.  If you’re not so good  at that, it’s ok just find a 3, 5 or 7 step system.  I find this exercise like taking my clients on a helicopter ride over their work and absolutely LOVE seeing them ‘get’ the big picture of the work they do and that it really is a system or a process!
  4. Nitty Gritty Details – Now is when you’re going to decide whether or not this client magnet is going to be an audio, video, ebook, ecourse or whatever else you can think of.  This step is MUCH easier when you clearly know WHO are you looking to help and the ONE problem you can help them with. Then you ask yourself what’s the best way I can SERVE them this content?  This is another very important client attraction point too.  Make sure you are creating the client magnet in a way that also makes YOU happy.  For me, writing used to suck but jumping on a video was a lot easier and got my creative juices flowing so I produced a lot of video client magnets. Now I find the opposite to be true. I’m also attracting a slightly different group of people.
  5. Engagement – The second level of nitty, gritty details is to look at how to elicit a deeper sense of engagement with your client magnet.  I’ve found for myself and my clients that having a worksheet or some sort of ‘homework’ the clients needs to fill out gets the prospect more involved and helps them to start to bond with you and your material and connect you with the abiilty to get them to think differently.

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