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суббота, 2 января 2016 г.

Wipe Away Year-End Blues

Hi Everyone,
Mark Waldman here, wishing you a happy and prosperous new year, full of your most wonderful
thoughts and practices to keep you moving toward your greatest expression.

I would like to start this year with a special NeuroTip:

Wipe Away Year-End Blues 
The start of a new year can be a difficult time for many people, but neuropsychology provides a fast and simple solution that will undermine the worries, fears, and doubts that are naturally generated by our creative brains.

The first step is to make a list of your inner “gifts.”

Everyone has one – big or small. What’s yours? A gift is a talent, something that comes so naturally we often forget about them. Close your eyes and slowly stretch your arms, neck, and back as you relax as deeply as possible. Gently stroke your palms, arms, and head because this will help to bring you into the present moment where intuition overrides the limitations of rational thought. Visualize your entire life as if it were a movie running backwards to the day you were born and forwards to the age of 100 or beyond.

Now think about your natural gifts and write down a single word to capture each talent. I am always surprised at what I discover about myself each time I do this exercise.

I'm grateful for your gifts,
Mark Waldman
Executive MBA Faculty, Loyola Marymount University

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