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четверг, 18 февраля 2016 г.

The #1 Thing That Blocks You from Money

naat ve Yeni Ev Maliyeti
Just as your DNA is a combination of your mother and father’s genetics, so if your family
money DNA – this is your money legacy that’s been passed down through many generations and not questioned.
What you saw, heard and experienced with money before age 7 is imprinted in your subconscious mind.
This is not your parent’s fault, because they learned about money from their parents.
Your subconscious mind is much more powerful than your conscious mind.
Let’s talk about money beliefs. These are just some common beliefs I’ve heard over the years in my classes.
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • What do you think, I’m made of money?
  • Making money is hard work.
  • I can’t make money doing what I love.
  • Rich people are snobs or they’re mean or greedy.
  • Bad things happen when you make a lot of money.
  • People in my family don’t make a lot of money.
  • Money has to come from outside of me (from someone else).
In order to change your money situation, you first must become conscious about what you saw, heard, and experienced growing up because that’s in your subconscious mind.
You’ll create a life based on what you believe because you take action based on your beliefs.


When you understand what you believe, the next step is to watch your behavior and emotions with money.
If your actions (spending or avoiding looking at your finances) are at odds with what you consciously want, you’ll begin to notice that your conscious mind is at odds with your subconscious mind.


Find the belief of fear and then understand why you’re doing what you’re doing with money then change it.
Once you understand what your beliefs are and how it’s impacting your life, now you take steps to make a change. If you don’t change, you won’t be able to transform your relationship with money.

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