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пятница, 14 октября 2016 г.

Thymus: The Seat of the Human Soul

From a holistic perspective, there is more to human health than just biological interactions.
We are energy, our physical bodies included. Energetically, the thymus is linked to the higher heart chakra, which is often described as “seat of the soul”. It represents the transpersonal aspect of the heart, that is, unconditional divine love.
Unconditional love is free of ego, therefore a healthy higher heart facilitates spiritual growth and deep inner transformation.

Opening our thymus chakra enhances our willingness to forgive and to show compassion. Unlocking it corresponds to flinging open a window for your soul to work through in the material world. Often, people who get in touch with their ascended heart will desire to hand its gifts on to others because, as receptacles of divine love, they also feel it flowing from them like water from a spring.
In fact, the act of giving always originates in the heart. Our language demonstrates we know this intuitively, as phrases such as “I give this to you with all my heart” indicate. Thus, healing work and other means of giving love are naturally pursued by those with an open ascended heart. Materially, we give with our hands, which are energetically associated with the heart. We use our hands to provide for our loved ones, craft presents for them, feed them, comfort and caress them.
Across different times and cultures, numerous methods of laying on of hands have been devised for healing, and the hand has been considered a symbol of divine protection and blessing. Our hands are our most used tool for spreading the many expressions of love coming through our hearts from the Source.
Some say the thymus chakra responds especially well to sound therapy, given its proximity to the sternum, which acts as a sound board and amplifier of acoustic vibrations. If we look back at the tens of thousands of years during which bone has been a preferred material for the manufacture of musical instruments thanks to its resonance characteristics, we can see the idea has its raison d’être
It is also reflected in a variety of folk tales that seem to have evolved from the same basic plot: the breast bone of a youth who was drowned by their sibling in competition for a lover is carved into a harp which later sings the truth about the committed fratricide. Interpreting the tale from a metaphysical viewpoint, we could say: “Heart is a messenger of Truth capable of transcending the machinations of ego.”
Interestingly, the higher heart chakra is said to hold a record of traumatic or painful events, which adds yet another fascinating dimension to the subliminal content of this ancestral narration. Our everyday lives, too, reflect the relationship between heart and sound. Who has not noticed a certain piece of music touch their heart or influence their mood?

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