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вторник, 29 ноября 2016 г.

Quiz: What’s the Optimal Next Step on Your Spiritual Path?

Embarking on that quest can be exhilarating! But it can also feel confusing (and even
daunting!)—as if you’ve gotten into a very small boat and set out on the ocean in search of unknown lands.
If you’re ready to take the next step on your spiritual journey—so you will continue to grow and expand—and you’re stuck as to what that step should be, this quiz will help you find your way.
Choose the response that most closely aligns with how you feel, and we’ll tally them up at the end.
Q1: Which activity has had the most positive impact on the overall quality of your life?
  1. Lifestyle shifts that involve nutrition, yoga, and/or other self-care practices.
  2. Establishing a regular meditation practice.
  3. I’m still searching for that meaningful practice.
Q2: What types of things are your friends and loved ones most likely to ask for your advice on?
  1. How to improve their physical health and well-being (i.e., what should I do to feel energetic, get better sleep, manage my weight, or improve a particular health condition.)
  2. How to be more calm and centered (e.g., what should I do to manage my stress, make better decisions, have a clear mind.)
  3. My friends and loved ones don’t typically come to me for advice about health and wellness.
Q3: How clear are you about your true purpose?
  1. I feel pretty certain that I’m meant to contribute something meaningful to the world that’s related to health—whether it’s through my career or a hobby.
  2. I feel pretty certain that my purpose is somehow connected to meditation and spirituality.
  3. I’m not really sure. I have a lot of interests, but I don’t think I’ve identified what my true purpose is in life.
Q4: How interested are you in helping others?
  1. I would love to help others experience better health and well-being.
  2. I love to share what meditation has done for me and think it would be rewarding to help others on that path.
  3. For the next step on my path, I feel I need to connect with myself in a deeper way before making the decision to help others.  
Q5: When you’re learning something new, what is the environment that suits you best?
  1. I learn best in a classroom or group setting with one or more instructors, and I like connecting with other students in person.
  2. I enjoy learning a variety of ways, online, classroom, and independent study.
  3. I’m not really sure what type of learning environment best suits me.
Now tally your results, keeping track of how many A, B, and C answers you selected. Then click the appropriate button below to discover the ideal next step on your spiritual path.

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