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четверг, 4 января 2018 г.

Share Your Strength…Keep Your Power

We are all responsible for our own happiness and karma! Take a quick survey of your
current situation. Are you happy? Are things going well in your life? Or are you constantly hitting brick walls, running into obstacles and losing out? Remember, what you did in your past life determines what happens to you in this life. But what you do right now, is also very important in determining your happiness level. This is called your mankind luck and you are in charge.

People often ask me what is the secret to having good fortune and gaining great wealth? The answer is not complicated – in fact, it’s really quite simple. Sharing is the secret. Sharing your knowledge, wealth, kindness and power with others. I am blessed that I am able to share my knowledge of feng shui with you, to write my annual horoscope books and other courses and materials, and to pass on spiritual knowledge that was given to me over the years by many high lamas. In doing so, I also share some of my strength and power with you. 

But a word of caution – you must never give your power away – share your power but never give it away. I once gave my power away, but thankfully, realized what I had done and was able to recover. When I decided to take back my power I became happier and even more powerful! If you understand this and you are in a similar position right now, I urge you to take action. You have the power to do anything for yourself and you must. You need to keep your power in order to be effective in all that you do. Be generous, give wealth, knowledge and kindness to others as you are best able, but not your power. 
Share kindness and wealth if you can. When you do this honestly and with a good heart, amazing things will begin to happen, doors that were locked will be opened and your life WILL change. 

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