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среда, 26 сентября 2018 г.

Love Antiques? Old Furniture? Read This!

If you’re a lover of antiques or a collector of the same, there are a few things you need to be
aware of. Firstly, please understand and accept that all furniture has vibrations…especially wooden furniture. There is just something about wood, especially hard wood that attracts and holds chi – the energy just sticks to it. Antique furniture made from hard woods like teak, rosewood and oak may be thick with hundreds of years of all kinds of energy. No matter how beautiful or expensive the piece, it could be holding hostile energy, sad energy and so on hence the importance of knowing what to do.

The first thing to do when you bring home that exquisite piece from an auction, dealer or antique store is to clean it thoroughly to remove any lingering bad energy. To do this you will need both natural rock salt and sea salt in equal amounts. Don’t use synthetic or chemical salt because it doesn’t work, trust me. The strength and power of the earth and the sea is what is needed, so please do procure the correct salts before beginning.

Mix rock and sea salts
When you have made a 50/50 mixture of rock and sea salt, in order to sensitize your hands, scoop up some of the mixture in your palms and rub them together 3 times with an up and down motion. Then begin to stroke the furniture using a brushing motion as if you are flicking off dust from the surface. Be sure not to miss any intricately carved areas. Go around the surface of the furniture in a clockwise direction 3 times and recite a mantra – I like to use “Om Mani Padme Hum”. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after completing this exercise. Oh, and if you really don’t like using your hands, you can use a damp cloth. Discard the cloth when you are finished.

Today begin to tune into the vibrations of your furniture – new pieces as well as your antiques. All furniture picks up energy – even new furniture. If you are shopping for furniture and something turns you off about a particular sofa or table, move on to something else or a new shop. And, if something feels “off” in a room at home, don’t overlook the possibility of negative energy emanating from your furniture pieces – both old and new! The rock and sea salt cure works on new furniture very well too!


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