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пятница, 10 января 2020 г.

Live In A New State of Awareness Today

Image: birds flying
When you practice spiritual feng shui you become more sensitive to your environment and
surroundings since you are living in a new state of "awareness." Things that were normal in the past may take on new meaning and you will begin to look for signs from the cosmos. It seems like everything is sending you a message from the clouds to the birds and even changes in the weather.

You may also notice that your hearing is significantly sharper and your eyesight keener. You begin to "feel" and notice things in your home, office and outside that are both wonderful and sometimes not quite right – it's amazing!

Image: birds flying
Birds are messengers
If you see beautiful birds flying or fish swimming, it almost always signifies good things! Fish of course mean abundance and birds are messengers from the gods. And if you find yourself surrounded by successful and accomplished people, be grateful to be in their company, soak up their knowledge and expertise.

Image: build your team
Fish signify abundance
You may also pick up on negative signs…like a black cat crossing your path or someone picking a fight with you first thing in the morning. Being around negative people who always complain and talk of difficulty is not good. It's also not beneficial to discuss death or a serious illness first thing in the morning.

When you experience negative signs you must do something instantly to dissolve the misfortune energy you have encountered. Symbolically, to "stop" the negative energy you can wave your hand or even better, clap three times. It's a very simple thing to do and extremely effective. You can also offer incense immediately to the cosmic spirits around you house (if you happen to be at home) and also use the clapping exercise.

Image: clapping
Clap 3 times
When you begin to tune into your spiritual energy don't be surprised at what you see and hear, because it is your inner spirit that is in charge. No need to talk about things or share your experiences with others who may not yet understand or be on a similar spiritual path. Remain silent and share your thoughts only when you feel comfortable doing so.

The energies of the year of the rat are dominated by the number 7 in the center of the chart. This is a metal number which strengthens the energy of the WEST sector because metal is the ruling element of the west. In 2020 the element metal stands for wealth and financial success thus it is important to live in a state of greater awareness so that new opportunities do not pass you by. The practice of spiritual feng shui can change your life and living in a state of awareness is just the beginning.


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