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воскресенье, 1 августа 2021 г.

Kindness and Reiki Practice

“Just for today: I will be kind to every living being” is the fifth Reiki

principle, as taught by Dr. Mikao Usui. While this principle may seem easy to follow, we must make a conscious effort to be kind, in everything we do. Let’s explore this principle in a deeper way.

Kindness arises out of our personal belief systems. In order to live in kindness, in our thoughts and in our actions, we must have the core belief that all beings are created equally. All beings are magnificent in their uniqueness – whether it is a human being, an animal being, a plant being, or a spirit being. We must grow in our understanding that the Divine Spirit exists everywhere, and each being has that Divinity within. We are all connected and part of the One.

It is easy to be kind to people who agree with us and have a similar understanding of the world. It is not so easy when we face people who live in a place of fear, non-acceptance of others, and in some cases, hatred. Staying in a place of acceptance and openness of these people, with opposing beliefs, can be difficult at times. How can we feel kindness, and at One, with them?

Recently, I attended a program at a local metaphysical store; the presenter channeled the archangels. The audience asked several questions about how to deal with the new political situation in our country. The archangels responded that our first action is to express gratitude – gratitude for the opportunity to recognize how each of us has similar characteristics within ourselves; gratitude for the opportunity to stand up for fundamental rights of all people; gratitude for the present moment. The archangels also said we need to accept the reality of the situation, but we do not have to agree with it! And, peaceful protesting is good. Each of us is called to discover how to bring love and light into the world.

Reiki energies can assist us in all these efforts. Reiki can help us to find gratitude in all trying situations. Reiki can help to ground us when times are challenging. Reiki can help us in acceptance of what is – and it can guide us in finding ways to make changes, when changes are needed. Reiki can give us serenity, when it seems everything around us is chaotic and troubling.

When we use Reiki frequently, we will grow in love and acceptance of all living beings. We will become kinder and gentler people. Living in acceptance and peacefulness enables us to be kind, every day, all day long. We learn to live in love, and not fear. We view others from a heart-center of compassion and love. We are more connected to Spirit, and will receive inspirational thoughts on how to show kindness to others.

Let us remember this quotation from Henry James: Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.

Sometimes, in today’s world, it seems kindness has been lost. We Reiki practitioners have an obligation to revive this most important quality. Let each of us commit to living Dr. Usui’s fifth principle each and every day. 

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