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четверг, 12 декабря 2019 г.

Avoid Bad Luck During the Holidays Cracked or Chipped – Throw it Out

photo: paint white ceilings
There’s no better time than now to get rid of chipped or cracked glasses and dishware as
we prepare for the holidays. After all, who wants bad luck at this time (or any time) of the year? Chinese matriarchs are very strict about this and throw away any glass or dish as soon as there is a crack, no matter how tiny. If you are throwing a party or just having a few friends over, take a few minutes now to check your dishware and glasses and get rid of potential bad luck that comes from drinking or eating from damaged utensils. Note: It’s not wise to hold on to even your most precious dishes and/or antiques from grandmother if they are cracked or chipped.

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