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среда, 25 ноября 2015 г.

Clean Your Closet & Give Things Away!

De-clutter! Now this may seem crazy when there is so much else to get done but I promise
you this works...and if you follow my advice you'll get an amazing lift and you may be very surprised at what else happens to you as a result...
  • STEP # 1: Start by throwing out the old things... that are broken or chipped - like teacups or serving platters (even if it was your grandmothers or a special wedding gift). It's not easy... you may be a sentimental soul and letting go of things is really was for me too until I learned the secret and began reaping the benefits of this good feng shui technique.
  • STEP # 2: Next go through your wardrobe and give away clothes that are too big for you (hopefully) or too small - even things that are in great condition but no longer fit... either your body or your lifestyle. You know, we have a lot of memories - both good and bad attached to certain pieces of clothing - and these memories in many cases may no longer serve us.
  • STEP #3: Now, here's the hardest one but it will bring you the greatest reward...find something you really love and give it away! Yes, I really mean it. Your favorite "anything" that means so much...a favorite scarf, a special bag, a book, a bracelet...just something that means a lot to you. It doesn't have to be expensive but it has to beclose to your heart. This is true generosity.
A Good Idea: If you are suffering from financial hardship this holiday season this is a great way to give a special gift that means more than money could ever buy...write a note and enclose it with your gift... explain how special it is and why you thought your friend or relative would like it. You can be sure this will be their favorite and most cherished gift of the season.
But's the rest of the secret...

It's about attachment ...the reason we have such a hard time getting rid of things or giving them away is because we are "attached" to them - and attachment is a very negative habit and also one that's hard to break. When we are "attached" we hang on to old things and unless we can let go of them we will forever be stuck and never escape from our past! When we are stuck, our inner chi is also "stuck" and we our lives, jobs and relationships.

Try these three de-cluttering suggestions now ...I admit they are not easy to do. But I promise you will feel a liberation that you have never felt before ... your life and relationships will improve as you begin to step out of the past and into the future! Oh and by the way...this really isn't just a "holiday" secret but one you can and should use all through the year!

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in America and much love to all of my students and friends everywhere...

Lillian Too

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