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понедельник, 19 октября 2015 г.

How to Stop Jealousy and Bitterness....

How can you surrender to negative emotions like jealousy without letting them
tear your life apart? Here is how:
1. Find a quiet place to spend alone. Ensure that your solitude is uninterrupted and the setting is peaceful (an empty living room, your garden outside, etc.).
2. Allow yourself to feel your emotion, but this does not mean indulging in it. Contemplate it and explore its source. For example, you may find that the source of your jealousy is your friend and his/her perfect life. But is that really the source, and do you really know that your friend’s life is perfect? Going deeper you may find that what stimulates your jealousy is how happy and accomplished they appear. Going deeper you may find that you resent them for that because you lack what they seem to have. Going even deeper, you may reveal a hidden belief you have about life, that in order to be happy you have to have the perfect job … and so forth.
3. Explore what important lesson the emotion is trying to teach you.Remember that other people mirror how we feel about ourselves. For example, at the root of jealousy is fear and sadness. So if other people make you jealous, you are only really fearful and pessimistic about your own sense of self. How can the feeling of jealousy act as a catalyst of change in your life? Any negative thing in your life can be alchemized into something positive if you let it. For instance, I’ve let jealousy in my life teach me about how I can improve both internally as a person, and my external life. Other emotions, like resentment towards other people, have taught me about my tendency to hold grudges against myself and how I am my own harshest critic.
4. Learn to be a conscious observer of your emotions. You can never stop experiencing negative emotions – even enlightened Masters continue experiencing them. The difference is that they do not attachto their emotions: they simply allow them to rise and fall like waves in the ocean. Ask yourself, “Am I this emotion?” Yes, you experience the emotion, but is it really “you”? An emotion is an emotion: it comes and goes, rises and fades. When you remain aware of this, so-called negative emotions such as jealousy and anger no longer have a life-shattering impact: they just happen. And if anything, their appearance in our lives serves as a teacher revealing our hidden beliefs, expectations and ideals. To learn more about this read: 6 of the Most Powerful Questions to Ask for the Awakening Soul
5. What toxic habits and environments can you replace in your life?You may think that your workplace is toxic … but is it the workplace that is toxic, or your thoughts about it? A concrete jungle is a concrete jungle. It is neither a “good” or “bad” place. Rather, it is your mental perceptions that judge it as good or bad, and consequently it is your thoughts that create your misery. You can approach your life situation as an opportunity to grow, or as an opportunity to be defeated. And besides, what lasts forever? If you can change your circumstances, do so, but be aware that a fault-finding mindset will always be unhappy wherever it goes. If you can’t change your circumstance, repeat the previous points that we’ve discussed and learn to re-frame your perspective. You can either be the victim of your reality or the hero of it.....

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