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воскресенье, 11 октября 2015 г.

The 5 stages of Consciousness Evolution

Level 0: Early Man

We have already moved beyond this stage. Hence the Zero.

We started out as hunter-gatherers as early man. Early man was not that different from an animal, it was simply an intelligent animal. We learned to dress ourselves, we learned to hunt, we learned to gather food, we learned farming. But one of the things that helped early man evolve into modern man, is language.

Level 1: Modern Man

Humanity today is largely in Level 1. And at Level 1 we live in two different worlds.
We have one foot in the physical world. In the physical world, we can all agree on what a “dog” is. Or a cup. Or how that rock is grey. The physical world is absolute truth.

Level 2: The Culture Hacker

At a certain stage, we start to question the world around us.
  • Why do I need a college degree?
  • Why was I raised in this particular religion?
  • Is there more to life?
  • What is God?
At this level, you question the dogma of the cognitive realm and start to make your own rules.

Level 3: The State Of Limitless

When you get to the state of limitless something feels different.
I noticed that many of the great leaders I brought together for Consciousness Engineering spoke about this.
There are 4 profound things I notice that people in this state seem to feel:
  1. A Sense Of Connectedness: When you get to this state, you start to feel a deep sense of connectedness with the world. All life, cultures, nations, people seem to resonate with you as part of “one family.”
  2. Tapped Into Intuition: When you get to this state, your Intuition seems incredible strong. You have gut feelings guiding you. Not occasionally, but on a regular basis. Many people I interviewed at this stage spoke about how when they started to write a book or speak at an interview, words would just “flow” through them. And the words would be extraordinary.
  3. Inspiration Drives Your Intention: At this state you don’t get moved by regular goals. Instead, you’re motivated by bigger missions to serve the world.
  4. Luck Is On Your Side: At this state, you seem to feel lucky. All manner of coincidences, synchronicities and luck seem to happen to push your forward. You thus tend to be positive, enthusiastic and optimistic about the world and life in general.

Level 4: The God Mind

The God Mind is a mysterious state that I’ve only ever experienced for brief moments in my life.

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