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пятница, 31 июля 2015 г.

Can a Facebook Page Replace a Small Business Website?

Facebook recently announced there are currently 40 million active small business pages on its service, which shouldn’t come as that big of a shock to anyone.

How to Incorporate Video Into Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

Did you know that, an estimated 74 percent of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video?

5 Ways New Business Owners Overspend on Marketing

To a new business owner, marketing can be thrilling. It’s your first opportunity to get

Making Enjoyment Greater Than Your Effort

Typically, when talking about business strategy, we think of ways to maximize the effectiveness of your business, how to trade less time for money, and overall how to be a better ExpertPreneur®.

Asking For Business Like You Don't Need It

Have you ever been on a date with someone who's desperate? 

It's a big turn-off. Even when the person is really nice, well-dressed, and otherwise charming, if he or she seems needy, we lose interest. 

Street Photography Has No Clothes

Street photography has become such an ambiguous umbrella term in the photography world

среда, 29 июля 2015 г.

Money and Spirituality – A Common Dilemma

They often times also believe that you can’t be wealthy and be a good person,

10 Signs It’s Time to Take a Chance on YOU…

Here’s my list of 10 clues that’s it’s definitely time to jump in:

1. You’ve said, “…at least I have benefits” more than once in the last month.

Jack Simon Interview

 My name is Jack Simon and I’m a 71 year old psychiatrist. I live in Northern California

Рождённый ползать, летать не должен.

Рождённый ползать, летать не должен. В известной фразе звучало слово

Todo Pensamiento y Toda Idea se puede Cambiar

Los antiguos sabios decían que toda enfermedad inicia por un mal o incorrecto pensamiento

Cómo diagnosticar la parte física

La herramienta que se utiliza en la Radiestesia para captar, para percibir, para medir, para funcionar como un sensor exacto es el Cuerpo Humano.

вторник, 28 июля 2015 г.

that thing you do…NOT interesting

She sat across the table deeply immersed in her files of handwritten notes, reviewing,

No More Rigidity About Revenue Goals

What happens in Greece is not staying in Greece. 

The Biggest Myth About Hiring A Virtual Assistant

You ARE the only one who can:
  • See the big picture and goals for your company

I love myself…but you loving me?

We work so hard to create, flow, receive, manifest abundance…and then when it arrives, the other hidden script pops up and says, “Nope. You don’t deserve this. Don’t you feel like

Ваш виртуальный астролог.

Почему бы не попробовать себя в астрологии в качестве эксперта?

понедельник, 27 июля 2015 г.

16 Animated Logos to Check Out

Joe Ski‘s Animated Logo for Macaw.

Understanding the Power of Paradigms

I can tell you right now that the problem isn’t you. It’s your paradigms.

Magnetic Monday: Steps to Knowing Joy

Do you know that by looking at what is good and right instead of what is bad and wrong

I laughed and thought, “Oh, well, must be time for a new web presence.”

I’ve really changed from the anxiety-ridden, spazztastic business owner of my past.
A couple of months ago, my web sites got hacked by

How to think bigger (the $100k story)

Think of your dream goal for your yearly income… make it a really big goal.

четверг, 23 июля 2015 г.

If You Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail

This is sort of a companion piece to today’s Feature Article. You can’t just hope that your business reflects your priorities and builds the lifestyle you want, you need to plan for it.

Is Your Business Backwards?

One of the big reasons many people become entrepreneurs and business owners is freedom. 

Getting Creative Juices Flowing

Sit down and set a timer for ten minutes. Write your prompt at the top of a blank piece of paper.

More Than Skin Deep

What do you do when you grow up with all the confidence in the world, you have a thriving career, and then all of the sudden the rug is pulled out from underneath you?

Six Books to Read This Year

No matter who they are or what they do, highly successful people read. That’s a trait that has stood the test of time.

вторник, 21 июля 2015 г.

3 Telemarketing Rules To Get To A “Yes” On The Phone

Of course, there’s so much that goes into this that I could create an entire course on it (in fact sales conversations is one training in my upcoming #BAM Academy),

How Knowledge and History Kill Your Success

Sometimes what you know may be more dangerous than what you don’t know. You may mistake knowledge or experience as “truth”. There is only one truth about your business; what you believe will come true.  

6 Tips To Overcome The Resistance Standing In The Way Of Your Freedom

** 1 ** Get comfortable with resistance. Accept it as part of your success formula. You WILL have resistance. Increase your capacity to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Increase your ability to be with the feelings that arise.

пятница, 17 июля 2015 г.

How to Write Your Way Out of the Starting Blocks

The Secret To A Stronger Nonfiction Book Proposal
Knowing what’s already on bookshelves may just be the single most effective


It’s popular to complain about social media and talk about how it is destroying our culture, but what if the exact opposite is true? (Michael Hyatt)

Change This and You Might Change the World

Do you ever feel like a failure? Or think that things just aren't going your way? Or maybe they will never go your way? I think we all have at one time or another. I certainly have.(Barb Wade  Business Coach and Mentor)

Start Minding Your Mind

Mindset changes everything. Mastering your mindset is by far the most powerful tool anyone can learn. (Barb Wade  Business Coach and Mentor)

The #1 Excuse You Will Hear

“I can’t afford it!!”

We’ve all heard it before. And overcoming that objection is a very important skill that every client-based entrepreneur needs to master. (Barb Wade  
Business Coach and Mentor) 

Do you feel lost in your own life?
This call is for you IF :
  • Your heart yearns to live differently, but you are so used to meeting other people’s

четверг, 16 июля 2015 г.

How I Became a Content Producing Machine
the steps to creating quality content efficiently and consistently


If you have ever known a clean-shaven man who quickly grew a beard, you have a clue about changes in the publishing industry over the past five to ten years. (Chad R. Allen)


Everyone knows the old line from the real estate business, “Location, location, location!” But did you know it can have a direct impact on your professional success and satisfaction? (Michael Hyatt)

Ever feel paralysed by indecision?  Do you procrastinate and feel that your leadership suffers as a result? Leaders are expected to make the right call but sometimes we can be overwhelmed and simply don’t know what to do. Here’s a plan.


Many years ago, a large, global company called me and said they wanted to create a cadre of client relationship managers in order to help grow their most important accounts. They asked me to help design the structure and train the chosen individuals. I quickly discovered that a powerful group of geographically-focused executives controlled everything. They managed the people, the infrastructure, and the client relationships.(Andrew Sobel)

среда, 15 июля 2015 г.

How to Change Your Habits without Using Willpower

We've often heard that your conscious mind makes up less than 10% of your total brain function and that the subconscious or unintentional aspect of your mind represents more than 90% of your total brain function. (Noah St. John)