Here’s my list of 10 clues that’s it’s definitely time to jump in:
1. You’ve said, “…at least I have benefits” more than once in the last month.
2. You think to yourself, “I need to just learn to surrender to this place and be present and grateful.” And a few seconds later, you think, “Don’t I?”
3. You’re waiting to be discovered, rather than committing to discovering yourself.
4. You’ve recognized that you can’t do it alone. But you still keep doing it alone.
5. You’ve thought, “Maybe I’m not genetically engineered to succeed.”
6. You’ve used any of the following words or phrases when referring to yourself: “Stuck.” “Can’t.” “Shouldn’t.” “Should.” Or “This is just how I am.”
7. You’ve used any of the following words or phrases when referring to your situation: “Wish.” “Yeah, but” “Benefits.” Or “This is just how it is.”
8. You worry about upsetting your spouse.
9. You worry about upsetting your friends.
10. You’re waiting until you’re sure you can do it perfectly.
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