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пятница, 6 сентября 2019 г.

6 Ways to Be an Animal Reiki Practitioner

Ways to Be an Animal Reiki Practitioner
Working with animal Reiki is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done, aside from
teaching animal Reiki to others. When I work with animal Reiki, I always feel that I am being taught very deep soul lessons. The animals teach me, and the Universe and Nature teach me through the animals. I have learned things about the world and about myself through animal Reiki that are beyond words and are not available in books. Furthermore, had I not experienced these things for myself, there is little likelihood that I would have believed them.
Working with animal Reiki allows us to remember the connection we have to the Divine and to Nature. We tend to forget that connection as we get older and become adults. This simple practice offers us a way to remind ourselves often and to renew that sense of childlike wonder and awe that we once had. I am grateful for the endless ways there are to practice animal Reiki.
Since animals of all types are pretty much everywhere, there are many opportunities to find ways to connect with them that work for each of us. There is no reason to limit the way you think of animal Reiki. Animal Reiki practitioners work in a number of ways, not just in shelters. Some even work quietly, behind the scenes in their own neighborhoods. Each time you connect, you grow and you make a difference.
Here is a list of some of the ways to be an animal Reiki practitioner:
1. Work with pets and other animals in their home, at their farm, or in their stable. As more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of Reiki and see how much help it is for them or their friends, they look to Reiki to help their pets. Reiki has helped many of my animal clients with issues such as anxiety and overcoming trauma, as well as the resulting behavioral problems that often stem from those issues. It has also been very helpful in easing the difficulties from cancer treatment, such as pain or nausea. And Reiki is a wonderful comfort for both pet and human when it is time to transition over the Rainbow Bridge. It seems to bring a gentle sense of calm and peace that allows for an easy and gentle transition.
2. Work distantly with pets or other animals. This category can actually encompass many ways to work with animal Reiki. You can work with animals at a distance in any way that you might work with them in person. In some cases, you may be able to work with them at a distance when you cannot possibly help them in person, such as for a seriously hurt wild animal or a lost pet. Distant Reiki is often most comfortable for the animal and many practitioners find it less distracting to work this way, even for animals that could be treated in person. Having done hundreds of animal Reiki sessions distantly, I can assure you that the benefits are just as wonderful, even from across the world, as they are in person. Animals are much more receptive to Reiki than humans are, and for this reason, there is no resistance or doubt. They simply receive and the healing begins.
3. Volunteer in your local shelter or animal rescue. This a great way to get practice and to help out in the community and many practitioners are drawn to it. However, some practitioners feel as if they must volunteer at a shelter or rescue in order to be an animal Reiki practitioner. Yet, shelters aren’t for everyone. They can feel very overwhelming to some, either on a sensory or emotional level. If you want to work with animals, but don’t feel comfortable in the shelter, please don’t feel as if you have to do this. Choosing to work with animals where you feel comfortable will be best for you and for the animals.
4. Volunteer at a zoo or a wild animal habitat. This can be a very interesting way to work with animals and to get practice. It is very expansive and grounding to work with very large wild animals and reptiles, in particular. It takes special training to know how to work safely around most of the animals, and your zoo will help you with that. If you choose to do animal Reiki on your own at the zoo, please do it from outside the enclosures. Never enter an animal’s enclosure without permission and special training.
5. Work directly with the animals in your neighborhood, or your own yard. There are wild animals, birds, feral cats or dogs, and insects in your own neighborhood—even in the city. Most of us have the occasional insect or spider even in our home. These are wonderful opportunities to connect with the smallest creatures of the world. When you do this, you will begin to recognize the Divine Life Force in even the tiniest thing—seeing the God in everything. Simply go outside and offer Reiki to the plants, the trees, the soil, the air, the birds—anything that wishes to receive. You can also do this practice as you go on walks or hikes. This is a wonderful way to be of service and to expand your own growth and learning through animal Reiki.
6. Last but not least, treat your own pets! There is no better way to work with animal Reiki than by increasing the bond we share with our own animal family members. Sharing the joy of unconditional love through Reiki is amazing. You don’t need to wait until your pet is sick to do Reiki with them.
These are some suggestions, but you may have many more ideas. Let your imagination open you to the ways to connect with animals! I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments about how you like to practice animal Reiki!

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