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понедельник, 30 сентября 2019 г.


There may be rooms of your home that don’t get much sunlight and are quiet and dark.
Luckily there is a way to invoke the power of the sun using a mystical symbol along with a simple visualization. This is also an excellent ritual to use when someone in your home is ill or if someone has had long periods of bad luck. It will revitalize the energy of the room and help the residents almost immediately. 
Study the symbol above and note how the strokes follow one another. Draw this symbol with your finger in the rooms that you wish to enhance with more energy. It’s easy but be sure to follow the sequence of the four strokes as shown. As you draw this symbol in the air, visualize yourself creating a ball of brilliant white light and imagine the sun’s rays emanating out from it and washing your rooms with powerful light energy.

As you do this and call upon the universal source of energy it is helpful to generate the motivation of compassion and generosity in your heart. Think positive thoughts as mystical symbols always work best when your thoughts and intentions are good. Remember that your mind has magical abilities to focus and concentrate and it becomes even more empowered with clear and confident mental imaging. 

If someone is very ill, visualize tapping into the light source of the sun and bring this light directly into the room where the sick person is staying. When you are finished, complete the ritual with a quick zigzag hand movement. 



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