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среда, 25 сентября 2019 г.

The Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are strong declarations of self-approval and favourable outcomes.
They serve to positively confirm within us that the statement we make is already true or will become true very shortly in the future. Any positive statement can be an affirmation – it can be specific or general – it’s up to you. Just a few minutes of positive affirmations each day can transform even the most bad-tempered person into a more pleasant one and is one of the best ways of convincing our minds that what we truly desire and admire can become ours.

Affirmations can be done silently, written down, spoken aloud, chanted or sung. The practice of repeating affirmations is a conscious effort to replace useless and negative mind chatter with positive, encouraging ideas and attitudes. It is a powerful way of transforming our own self-image and the views of other people around us.

This is one affirmation that I particularly like - it is one of the best for confidence building. In fact, the I can do it attitude Is probably the greatest confidence building statement in the world. So many wonderful talents and projects never come to fruition because people doubt their own ability to succeed. They fear failure, or that they might lose face or money.

But the four little words “I can do it” are very simple and oh so powerful! When you say these words to yourself regularly and with conviction, you are in effect mobilizing yourself to succeed and realize your full potential. The statement “I can do it” helps to build your confidence and increase your determination and persistence as well as increasing your energy levels. It makes you very focused because in saying it, you automatically think of the goal you are trying to achieve. When you say I can do it,the mind asks…do what? The inner mind will have the answer if you have thought it all through. These four little words activate all of your inner resources and targets them towards satisfying what the mind knows it must do and actualizing the positive results you desire.

Good luck!

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